The course will examine the academic and professional controversies surrounding corporate
governance and executive compensation. A basic framework will be developed to integrate the
many important dimensions of corporate governance in Nigeria and international settings.
Learn how to manage treasury activities more effectively using new approaches and
technologies - global scope with special focus on the strategic and operational aspects of
treasury management for corporates.
Accounting for Non-Accountants course provides a comprehensive introduction to the role of
accounting in supporting and informing all business decisions throughout the organisation. It is
designed for those who access, use, and rely upon accounting information, but do not have
accounting training or background.
This course is designed for professionals working in investment banking, corporate
development, private equity, and other areas of corporate finance that deal with analyzing M&A
In today’s volatile markets there is a renewed appreciation of the relatively stable long-term
cash flows from infrastructure investments. An increasing part of such infrastructure is by
necessity being financed on a project – or limited recourse – basis.
Project and Infrastructure Finance enables companies to raise focused, risk sharing, finance in
key industries and is an increasingly important method for governments to introduce private
sector skills, disciplines and funding in a range of sectors.